dissabte, 11 d’octubre del 2008

Veus de dona: Madeleine Peyroux

Aquest any, sense una raó preestablerta, he descobert moltes veus de dona.Cantants amb veus relaxades properes al jazz, soul i gèneres afins.M'han acompanyat en molts moments en què ho necessitava.

Potser parlo d'algunes d'elles en d'altres posts.

Ara acabo de descobrir Madeleine Peyroux, amb una veu que em recorda el jazz clàssic. Reminiscències de Billie Holliday.

I he pensat que la compartia amb vosaltres...

When I hear them say
There's better living
Let them go their way
To that new living
I won't ever stray'
Cause this is heaven to me

Long as freedom grows
I want to seek it
If it's yes or no
It's me who'll speak it
'Cause the lord, He knows
That this is heaven to me

If you've got your hands
And got your feet
To sing your song
All through the street
You raise your head
When night is done
Shout your thanks up to the sun

So when I hear them say
There's better living
Let them go their way
To that new living
I won't ever stray
'Cause this is heaven to me
'Cause this is heaven to me

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