Hi ha cançons que fan sentir, cançons que fan pensar, cançons que aconsegueixen totes dues coses alhora.
De la mà de Robert Wyatt amb la lletra escrita per seva dona, una mostra de l'amor condicional. El real, gosaria dir...
Si algú vol alguna cosa més, pot llegir l'entrevista que li van fer al diari El País i que reprodueix el blog einbahnstrasse, un blog d'aquells d'amanida variada -que deia en Lluís- força recomanable.
Just as you are
It’s that look in your eyes
Telling me lies
So many promises broken
What can I do? What should do?
Try to love you just as you are
Cos I'm never going to change a thing about you
Never ever going to change a thing
(Try to love you) just as you are
Should I leave should I stay?
Should I call it a day?
There’s so much to say that’s unspoken
In your way you've been true
All I can do; try to love you just as you are
Cos I'm never going to change a thing
No I’m never ever change a thing
(I try to love you) just as you are
It’s that look in your eyes
I know you despise me
For not being stronger
What can I do?
What should I do?
I'll always loved you just as you are
And I’ve never tried to change a thing
Never tried to change a thing about you
(Always loved you)
Just as you are
Will you leave will you stay?
There may come a day
When I’m weak and I’m stupid no longer
In my way I’ve been true
I’ve lived just for you
And always loved you just as you are
I’ve never tried to change a thing
Never tried to change a thing about you
(Always loved you)
Just as you are
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